
Conduct a swot analysis for loreal paris in the hair dye

In this case, you take the role as a marketing consultant. You analyze the situation (L'oreal Paris case). The 400-500 executive summary is the summary you distribute to the executives. In this document, you briefly summarize the case, your analysis and your plan.

While the assignment is in the presentation format, you will not actually do a presentation. Therefore, one key benefit of the executive summary for you is that if something important is difficult to express clearly in the compact presentation slide format, you can mention it more elaborately in the executive summary.

Also, the word limits do not include references. Also, if necessary, you may go up to 10% over the word limits.

The assignment:

You are an entrepreneur planning to enter the market as an online hair dye firm, and are doing a presentation to potential venture capitalists that may consider investing in your start-up. However, you need to convince them that your company proposal has a good chance of success.

1- Conduct a SWOT analysis for Loreal Paris in the hair dye market.

2- Conduct a SWOT analysis regarding the social media presence of Loreal Paris.

3- Based on your two SWOT analyses, develop a marketing campaign. Consider such questions as what will be your value proposition?

What kind of an online business model will you use? Which segment of the market will you mainly target or will you target the global hair dye market as a whole? Which communication channels (i.e. online and traditional media) will you focus on?

How will you position your brand (e.g., brand personality, main message appeals in your communication). Justify your choices.

Note: Professor Joan Woordward once said "there can be no one best way of organizing a business". In other words, this exercise does not have one answer, but many good answers (known as ‘equifinality').

What I am looking for here is a coherence between your analysis of the market and your suggestions.


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Marketing Research: Conduct a swot analysis for loreal paris in the hair dye
Reference No:- TGS02251316

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