Program: Youth Mentoring Program
Problem: Bullying/Youth in Gangs/Teenage pregnacy
For the program proposal, each student is to select a social problem, conduct a review of the social problem (including references to the literature, and to current programs in the field), and develop a detailed program to address the social problem. The focus of the program should be at an agency level (e.g., you are asked by your director to develop a new outreach program), local level (e.g., municipal or country level, such as developing a local non-profit food bank) or at the state level. Each student should be sure to consider the audience for the proposal in his/her writing. The focus and topic of the paper will be discussed with and approved by the instructor.
The final proposal should be at least 8 pages in length (approximately 2400 - 3000 words), excluding title page, abstract or executive summary, tables, graphs, references, and appendices.
The proposal should be word processed, double-spaced, front side only, in Times New Roman 12-point font, and written in literate English, APA style.
The proposal should be structured as follows (subheading may be used, if desired):
Title page
Abstract/Executive Summary
Main Body of the Paper (8 pages)
Background to the Program (e.g., What is the current situation?)
Analysis (What programs are available? Why is it necessary to find an alternative?)
Program description (Provide a detail description of the program, especially focusing on Chapters 3 (Planning and Design), 6 (Human Resources - Personnel), 7 (Finances), and 10 (Evaluation) of the text).
Conclusion (Summarize the analysis and program.)