
Conduct a preliminary pretest of the questionnaire by


Imagine that we wanted to study a broad topic such as juvenile delinquency.

Argue for different scenarios where it might be best to use each of the 5 survey designs discussed in the chapter: Mailed survey, Group-administered survey, Phone survey, In-person survey, and Electronic survey.

Give examples and references.


Remember that the answer to all the questions must relate to the research proposal topic that you chose in Assignment #1.

Unit : Assignment:

Chapter 8: Complete and submit Developing a Research Proposal Questions 1 and 3 on page 248 of the textbook.

Developing a Research Proposal . Write 10 questions for a one-page questionnaire that concerns your proposed research question.

Your questions should operationalize at least three of the variables on which you have focused, including at least one independent and one dependent variable (you may have multiple questions to measure some variables).

Make all but one of your questions closed-ended. If you completed the research proposal exercises in Chapter 3 you can select your questions from the ones you developed for those exercises.

2. Conduct a preliminary pretest of the questionnaire by conducting cognitive interviews with two students or other persons like those to whom the survey is directed.

Follow up the closed-ended questions with open-ended probes that ask the students what they meant by each response or what came to mind when they were asked each question.

Take account of the feedback you receive when you revise your questions.

3. Polish up the organization and layout of the questionnaire, following the guidelines in this chapter. Prepare a rationale for the order of questions in your questionnaire.

Write a cover letter directed to the appropriate population that contains appropriate statements about research ethics (human subjects issues).

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Dissertation: Conduct a preliminary pretest of the questionnaire by
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