Project Information
At Computer Labs Incorporated, where you work as a project manager, you have been asked to conduct user-training sessions for a new information system. You must develop a specific schedule for the tasks.
A. First, confirm arrangements for the training facility you plan to use (3 days).
B. After you have confirmed the training facility, two tasks can begin at the same time: e-mail all department managers announcing the training sessions (1 day) and you can develop the training material (5 days).
C. As soon as the email has been sent and the training material is complete, you can work on two tasks at once: arrange to have copies of handout material printed (2 days) and develop a set of PowerPoint slides (5 days).
D. When the PowerPoint slides are ready and the handouts have been printed, conduct a practice training session with the instructor who will assist you (2 days).
E. When the practice session is over, conduct the user training sessions (4 days).
• Make a WBS
• Gantt chart
• PERT/CPM chart
• Identify the Critical path.