
Conduct a comparative evaluation of the brand name and

Problem: Individual Package Assignment

Be sure to read the packing section slides as a guide. Your task is to

(1) conduct a comparative evaluation of the brand name and packaging of two brands of bath soap or body wash from the perspective of health- and environmentally-conscious married men, 35-49, who live in the top 20 U.S. markets; and, Once identified, abbreviate names throughout your discussion, e.g., Irish Spring (IS).

(2) recommend a brand name and packaging for a new entry in the¬ body wash category. The written portion of the assignment is to be 1 page single spaced which includes both parts 1 and 2. The package design should be attached at the second page and stapled.

1. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION: Select two existing brands in the category to analyze. Use all of the criteria identified on the "Brand Name and Packaging Considerations" to organize your comparative analysis. Develop a concise discussion of each criterion in which you evaluate and contrast the two brands and indicate which brand performs best on each criterion plus which one does best overall in terms of

(a) brand name; and,

(b) packaging.

Use the items on page two to compare the brands. Your analysis is to be from the perspective of a target of health- and environmentally-conscious married men, 35-49, who live in the top 20 U.S. markets.

2. NEW BRAND NAME, SPOKESPERSON, AND PACKAGE DESIGN Next, develop an appropriate brand name, spokesperson, and a package design(bottle) for a new body wash that is targeted to these men. Note that women (the wives of these men) are the primarily purchasing agents and so the brand name and packaging needs to appeal to both the targeted men and their wives.

• You may assume that you can obtain the rights to use any existing person or figure or you
may develop your own original spokesperson.

• The new brand is made using 99.3% natural ingredients including a distinctive, fragrant blend of sweet orange citrus, aloe leaf juice and coconut oil.

• Be creative in your Brand Name and bottle design.

• Assignments will be rank ordered for grading purposes. You are graded on creativity, effort and following directions. The "best" assignments in class will receive extra credit.

In presenting your recommendations: (a) discuss your brand name in terms of the four brand name criteria;

(b) explain why your recommended package design front view would be effective in presenting your brand at the point-of-sale in supermarkets (focus on only two criteria "shape and design strategy" and "promotion");

(c) provide a brief rationale justifying the appeal of spokesperson to the target; and,

(d) draw a mockup of your package (bottle) on one 8 1/2 x 11" page and staple it to your report.

YOUR RESPONSE. Convey your response to 1 and 2 above in a concise, one-page, single-spaced page typed (8 1/2 x 11").

(1) No typeface or size smaller than 11 pt font

(2) There must be no less than a ½ inch margin on all sides.

(3) Put your name on the top right corner of the page and staple the 2 pages together

(4) Organization, clear communication, spelling, and grammar will be considered in evaluating your work.

(5) Papers, which do not conform to the specifications indicated and late papers, will not be accepted for any reasons whatsoever. Late = 0.

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Marketing Management: Conduct a comparative evaluation of the brand name and
Reference No:- TGS02621423

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