
Conduct a brief inspection of the workplace using the

Occupational Health and Safety Assignment Background

Legislation requires that the risks to worker's health and safety be eliminated or reduced in the workplace.

This assignment requires the following, completed in a workplace of your choice

- One hazard identification and

- One psychological risk assessment


- One manual handling Risk assessment

When selecting a workplace, you must ensure that you are able to include the following data and information in your submission

- Evidence of attendance at the workplace, this may be notes of an informal discussion held at the workplace, photographs or diagrams.

- When including information, you MUST make sure that privacy is protected and you have permission where appropriate to include photos or other identifying information.

Workplaces may include
- A current or previous place where you have worked
- A workplace where you have access such as:
o Local retail outlets or café's
o Transport hub

Assignment details

In your selected workplace

1. Provide a general description of the workplace, your answer must include a brief description of each of the following elements.
a. The workplace location, layout, design,
b. The tasks being undertaken
c. The equipment being used
d. Profile of the workers, this should give the type of information that management would need in order to manage safety in that work place

No less than 200 words

2. Conduct a brief inspection of the workplace. Using the following table, identify and describe at least two hazards in each of the categories listed below. For each hazard you must explain the associated risk in enough detail that the risk is clearly understood by a person reading your description

a. Psychological

b. Manual handling/body stressing

c. Chemical/biological

d. mechanical3. Select one of the Manual handling/body Stressing hazards identified in your selected workplace. Using the Worksafe Manual handling Risk Assessment template, conduct a risk assessment.

The template is provided in Blackboard with this assignment or can be downloaded at  https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/info/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/13090/vwa_asses_control_risk.pdf

a. All parts of the risk assessment must be completed
b. Where a yes box is ticked, comments must be made in the comment field
c. Controls must be identified and explained in each of the short term, medium term and long term boxes provided

4. Worksafe Victoria has provided a list of organisational factors that increase stress for workers. These have been listed in the table below.

a. Using the following table. For each of the factors identified, list a minimum of two methods you could use to identify if there is a risk in the workplace,
i. your answer must include any observable behaviours you might look for.
ii. Answer should be provided in bullet point sentences, sentences of less than 5 words may not be accepted, single word points will be ignored
b. For each of the factors list 2 methods that could be implemented to control the risk.
c. Indicate in the table whether you believe this risk existed in the workplace you used for questions 1,2 and 3

- Cover sheet must be signed and included
- Where possible use images or diagrams to illustrate your descriptions this will enhance the understanding of the reader
- All information sources must be identified in a Bibliography

1000 words

10 harvard references


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Dissertation: Conduct a brief inspection of the workplace using the
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