
Condition where a childs eyes do not focus congruently

Assignment task: Answer the questions:

Problem 1) A condition where a child's eyes do not focus congruently is called:

a. strabismus

b. astigmatism

c. glaucoma

d. myopia

Problem 2) Strep throat is due to streptococcal A infection, usually in the throat. On top of a sore throat, the patient will come in with fever, general aches and malaise. If the patient is not treated with antibiotics, lifelong conditions can affect the BLANK and BLANK.

Problem 3) You are the nurse. Your patient was just admitted through the ER with acute gastroenteritis. The child has been vomiting and was given 2 mg. zofran in the ER. You are responsible for rehydration. Abnormal electrolytes include: potassium low, sodium low. You know the hydration will improve with this type of fluid BLANK. In addition you will replace this electrolyte IV piggyback. You understand that this electrolyte BLANK can cause problems in the surrounding tissue if it's leaked from the vein.

a. hypertonic, potassium

b. isotonic, potassium

c. hypotonic, sodium

d. hypertonic, sodium

Problem 4) Urinary tract infections cause a lot of pain, inability to have good flow of urine for many children/adolescents. What are some of the most common causes? (select all that apply)

a. bubble baths

b. wearing a diaper

c. holding urine

d. not drinking enough water/dehydration

Problem 5) Inability of the kidney to excrete waste from dehydration, poisoning is considered this type of Acute Kidney Injury:

a. prerenal

b. post renal

c. intrarenal

d. no answer text provided

Problem 6) You are the nurse. You notice your patient has a yellow-crusted infected area under his left nostril extending above the lip. This could be infections type of rash called BLANK and is usually treated with BLANK.

a. impetigo, antibiotic ointment

b. folliculitis, antibiotic ointment

c. impetigo, soap and water only

d. acne, benzoyl peroxide

Problem 7) The thyroid gland is responsible for growth and development in children. A child who is BLANK will have a TSH (on lab studies) of 8.42 mg/dL. and may need to have BLANK (medication) started to ensure continued growth and development.

a. hyperthyroid, levothyroxine

b. hypothyroid, levothyroxine

c. hyperthyroid, methimazole

d. hypothyroid, methimazole

Problem 8) Diabetes affects children as well as adults. Type BLANK diabetes is insulin-dependent. Type BLANK is often controlled through environmental, oral glycemic agents. At well checks, we often test the urine of the children. We look for BLANK and BLANK in the urine which can indicate onset of diabetes. The lab test used to diagnose diabetes is the BLANK.

Problem 9) When evaluating a child who comes into the ER with a fracture, its always important to note the type of fracture. This type of fracture can indicate child abuse:

a. spiral fracture

b. oblique nondisplaced fracture

c. greenstick fracture

d. communiated fracture

Problem 10) A progressive degeneration of the symmetric skeletal muscle groups causing wasting. and can lead to deformity and disability:

a. Duchenne muscular dystrophy

b. Stylis muscular dystrophy

c. Gowers muscular dystrophy

d. Osteoporosis

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Biology: Condition where a childs eyes do not focus congruently
Reference No:- TGS03429630

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