
Conclude whether or not kotter believes that all

1. View the video titled "John Kotter - Resistance to Change" (3 min 36 s) below.

Conclude whether or not Kotter believes that all individuals who are resistant to change can gradually be "won over" in cases of significant change. Discuss the implications, according to Kotter, of resistance to the change process.

2. Respond to this post (DQ)

View the video titled "John Kotter - Resistance to Change" (3 min 36 s) below.

Conclude whether or not Kotter believes that all individuals who are resistant to change can gradually be "won over" in cases of significant change.

Discuss the implications, according to Kotter, of resistance to the change process.

According to Kotter if a person is resistant to change and they feel strongly about not wanting to change then you need to get them out of the way.

It doesn't matter who the person is if they are adamant about resisting go around them and in order to get the change done. While it is normal to try and persuade the person to be on your side Kotter says don't do it because if they feel strongly against the change they are not going to change their minds. They might tell you that they are okay with it but in reality they aren't.

The implications according to Kotter of resistance to the change process is that if a person is resisting the change and if you continue to keep them in the loop they will cause so much damage to the change process that the changes will be undermined.

You will have people going behind your back and telling other people that the changes are stupid or they will agree to do something and then conveniently forget to do what you want. In order to avoid this problem, you have to keep them out the equation and make the changes around them.

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Operation Management: Conclude whether or not kotter believes that all
Reference No:- TGS02792955

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