
Conclude the essay with what you believe is the thesis of

In the 1957 movie adaptation of Agatha Christie's courtroom drama Witness for the Prosecution, Sir Wilfrid Robarts twice calls Christine Helm Vole "a remarkable women," first, after he meets her, and, second, as she is taken away for murder. Sophocles' classic play Antigone is a drama about another "remarkable women," as Sir Wilfrid might say.

*Compare and contrast Christine Helm Vole and Antigone, two outspoken, etremely intelligent, and arguably heroic women who defend, and are willing to suffer for, men in their lives by breaking the laws of a male-dominated and male-oriented legal system.

*Conclude the essay with what you believe is the thesis of the movie and what you believe is the thesis of the play and whether and why you agree with each thesis.

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History: Conclude the essay with what you believe is the thesis of
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