
Conclude by suggesting 1 environmental modification that

Topic: Case Study

Reply Prompt: You must reply to 2 classmates' case studies. In each reply, you will use the theories and concepts from Chapters 1-4 to analyze the presented case, addressing the following topics:

Use 1 theory from Chapter 1 (Freud, Erikson, Piaget, learning theory, bioecological theory, or nature vs. nurture). Demonstrate how the theory can help explain the presenting issue in the case.

From Chapters 2 and 3, identify 1 element of brain development, stress response, or cognitive development that is relevant to the case and explain why.

From Chapter 4, discuss the influence of parenting style or attachment in your classmates' case.

Conclude by suggesting 1 environmental modification that would be useful as an intervention to this caseDiscussion Statements to reply to:

First Statement

Jameelah is a nine year old girl born and raised in the Muslim faith by her mother. Jameelah is the youngest of three children. Her oldest sister is a junior in college, and comes home to visit very little. Her middle sister is a freshman in college, and now not home as much as before. The two oldest sisters have the same father, and Jameelah has a different dad. Jameelah's mom started having children at 15 and has no connection with her family. More history of Jameelah's mom is not available.

Jameelah's mom supports the family by working as a manager for a local restaurant. She has the night shift, 4-12 midnight. Most days she picks Jameelah up from school and takes her to work with her. Jameelah proudly boasts that she can easily stay up until 2-3 a.m., as that she she normally does. Dinner is eaten at the restaurant on the days she accompanies her mom. Jameelah's dad is recently home from prison, and on disability. He lives with his mom, who gets Jameelah as often as she can. Jameelah's paternal grandmother is a staunch Christian, and mandates Jameelah to attend church and pray with her.

Jameelah's mom and her grandmother often bump heads. The grandmother helps tremendously financially, but requires that Jameelah spend more time with her and get more involved with church. Jameelah prefers to be with her mom, where she has free reign in the restaurant most evenings. Jameelah's grandmother's house is very structured with strict bed times. Jameelah does not want to live with her grandmother, although the offer is available.

Jameelah is presented to us because this is her second school she's attended. She originally attended a private school on a full scholarship, but was kicked out due to lots of absences and attention issues which the mom refuses medication for. Jameelah is in summer school, in the hopes to be placed in the 2nd grade this fall. Jameelah sleeps often in class, sometimes arrives dirty, is now teased by classmates. She misses lots of days, and is far behind in classwork. She has come to school with bruising on her arms and legs, and states it comes from accidents at the restaurant.

Second Statement

LaTroy is a 12 year old African American male enrolled in the 6th grade at Starlight Elementary School. Client was born in Florida, but was granted full custody to his father and his wife when he was around age 4. Client has extreme difficulty sustaining his attention and staying on task 4 or more times per week. LaTroy displays poor organizational skills 3-4 times per week.

He chooses to follow behind negative actions displayed by his peers. LaTroy is attention seeking and tries to fit in. LaTroy is very argumentative toward authority figures when he does not get his way. Client will yell and raise his voice; attempting to get the last word in. Client refuses to accept responsibility for his own actions. Client is very talkative and he causes disruption to the learning environment. Client talks back and is disrespectful toward adults and peers. He will make negative statement and even use profanity when angry.

LaTroy was evaluated by Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters around age 4 and mother was informed that client would display underlying issues related to the traumatic event when he was older. Client and mother reports that client has some symptoms of PTSD. It was reported that LaTroy still asks many questions about his biological mother and why she left him. It was also reported that client has constant flashbacks of the traumatic events he experienced from birth until he was 4 years old.

LaTroy was born in Florida and left in the home with siblings by his biological mother. LaTroy's father and "stepmother" went to Florida and brought client back to Virginia. LaTroy was then kidnapped by his biological mother and taken back to Florida at age of 3, an amber alert was posted and client was gone for approximately 8 months. It was reported that when client was first found, his fingers were cut off and he was heavily soiled. It was also reported that LaTroy's biological mother had him in "trap houses" and around drug infested areas. When back in Virginia with his father and "mother' he was evaluated by Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters who reported that client would end up having some underlying issues at a later age due to the trauma.

LaTroy reports that he still has some flashbacks and dreams of the past abuse and neglect. LaTroy reports that he occasionally feels fearful, anxious, nervous and irritable. LaTroy constantly keeps a guard up to try and protect himself from things before they occur. LaTroy has a difficult time managing his feelings and emotions related to the past abuse. LaTroy is very easily angered and frustrated. LaTroy is occasionally jumpy and nervous acting, he shows anxiety at least once weekly. LaTroy is taught that he has 2 mothers, as he often asks, "why does my mom have some of her kids but not all of us?" LaTroy's mother very rarely contacts him.
Client would benefit from continued services to further address symptoms of ADHD. Services would continue to assistclient with further improving hyperactive, disruptive and inattentive behaviors, thus far address symptoms of PTSD, his lack of positive social and communication skills.

As stated on Medscape "The impact of traumatic events on children is often more far reaching than trauma on an adults, not simply because the child has fewer emotional and intellectual resources to cope, but because the child's development is adversely affected. If an adult suffers trauma and a deterioration in functioning, after time when the person heals, he can generally go back to his previous state of functioning, assuming that he has not done serious damage to his relationships, studies, and work. A child, however, will be knocked off of his developmental path and after healing from the trauma will be out of step with his peers and school demands. He will therefore suffer ongoing frustration and disappointments even when he has healed from the trauma" (Roy H Lubit, MD. 2016).

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Dissertation: Conclude by suggesting 1 environmental modification that
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