
Concert evaluation

Concert Evaluation Assignment

In a well-written essay of approximately 700 words (typed), create a review of a live professional concert relevant to this course. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the concert and focus mainly on the most important/striking elements and qualities of the performance. Use that information to arrive at an overall evaluation of the event.

Hints to keep you writing:

Describe: This is the very basic and factual content of your paper and should function as the introduction to your review. When was the concert? Where was it? Who performed? What kind of music was performed? Was there any particular theme to the concert? Was there anything unusual about the concert occasion? Don't list everything on the program, but do summarize the important information.

Analyze: To analyze something is to examine its components and, more than just describe them, to seek out relationships among the parts. What were the outstanding musical characteristics of the pieces? How did the pieces that were performed compare to each other? How do they compare to what you have learned in class and to music you have heard at other times? This section is where you may want to use the musical terms and concepts that have been discussed in class (but see the section below on using musical terminology).

Interpret: Did you find some meaning in the music? What do you think may have been the original significance of the music? Does it have a different significance today? What people might want to listen to this music, and why? There are no right or wrong answers to these kinds of questions, but always give examples and make supporting statements to back up your assertions.

Judge: Remember that a concert consists of two things: the music being performed and the people who are doing the performing. Don't confuse the two. Do talk about each one. Did you like the music, and why (or why not)? Regardless of whether you liked the music, did you think that the performers did a good job? What, if anything, do you think would have improved the performance? Again, these are individual and subjective responses, but give explanations for your judgments.

Disclaimer and General Guidelines: Do not write your review only by answering some or all of the questions listed in the above paragraphs. They are not intended to be a checklist of things that you must write about, but rather are suggestions to direct your thinking about various aspects of the music and performance. The principal goal of this assignment is for you to listen critically to a live performance and then to articulate in writing your observations and reactions. Originality of thought and clarity of expression are more important to this assignment than is addressing each and every point outlined above.

Using Program Notes: Many concert programs provide information about either the music being performed or the performers. These notes are for your benefit and can assist you in understanding and enjoying the concert. These notes are not, however, meant to write your paper for you. It is all right for you to quote short sections from the program notes, but if you do, YOU MUST INDICATE THAT YOU ARE QUOTING FROM THE NOTES. Use phrases like "According to the program notes...," "Notes to the concert state that...," or "The program notes described the piece as...." If you do use quotes from the program notes, limit them to no more than a few sentences. The concert review is to be your ideas and your words, not someone else's. Occasionally one of the performers will talk to the audience about the music or about the people who are performing. The same applies to these remarks. You may say "The performer informed the audience that...," or "According to the performer, this piece is...." But make it clear whose words are whose.

Some things not to include: The focus of this paper is on the music and your thoughts about it. You are not telling a story to someone: don't give a minute-by-minute account of exactly what happened on stage. Instead, summarize and highlight the important features. Don't describe what you did during the concert, either; instead write about the music and the performance in the ways suggested above. Your personal reactions are important, but only insofar as you attempt to relate your experiences to the music.

Using musical terminology: At the beginning of this course you were introduced to some of the special terms used to talk about music, some of which are Italian words. You may decide that you want to use some of these terms in your review. In any case you should address these features:

You will be graded on your ability to do the following:

Musical Characteristics - Convincingly analyze how the following contribute to the execution or meaning of the musical performance:

Musical Instruments / Tone Color- The use of musical instruments and tone color
Melody-The use or absence of melodic contour, phrasing, scales and modes
Rhythm- Including meter, tempo, syncopation and rhythmic patterns,
Harmony - The use or absenceof harmony, tonality, and harmonic texture

Cultural/Historical Context- Elaborate on the cultural and historical background of a musical work and how the context is reflected in the musical performance.

Performance - Critique the quality of the performers, analyzing their proficiency, artisticinterpretation and ability to communicate musically with the audience

Concert Experience -Analyze the environment of the concert, the venue and the relationship between the performers and audience.

Writing Mechanics - Coherently organize your evaluation using proper sentence structure, punctuation and spelling.

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