
Conceptualizing a business

Strategic Plan Part: Conceptualizing a Business

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business’s vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic direction. Include the following:

Question 1. Define your business (one you create—not an existing), products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.

Question 2. Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.

Question 3. Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.

Question 4. Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization’s strategic direction.

Question 5. Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

My small business will be a Life coach for people who are in need of assistance with getting life on track due to suffering from physical, mental, emotional trauma. What is strategic management and planning? Why would a strategic plan be important to the success of this business? How are the four functions of management relative to creating and implementing a strategic plan?

Mission Statement:

The purpose of this organization is to rebuild lives that were shattered, build self-esteem, and restore independence. We are committed to providing high-quality service to our clients. We are dedicated to reshaping the lives of the emotionally, physically, and mentally traumatized victims, so that they can re-establish their position as beneficial assets in society. We are confident that our organization will continue to thrive while being an integral force behind making a difference and reclaiming independence.

Vision Statement:

Our organization embodies and integrates C.H.A.N.G.E (Commitment, Honesty, Achievement, Need fulfillment, Growth, Endorse positive living.


"Recent trauma studies have deepened our understanding of trauma and its impact. They describe a complex range of post-trauma symptoms and identify the interactions of multiple factors as contributing to their seriousness (Briere & Spinazzola, 2005). For example, more serious symptoms are associated with histories of multiple victimizations, often beginning in childhood and resulting in disruptions of parent-child relationships (Ford & Kidd, 1998; Turner, Finkelhor & Ormrod, 2006). More profound impacts are also associated with co-occurring behavioral health problems, like substance abuse disorders, (Acierno, Resnick, Kilpatrick, Saunders, & Best, 1991) and with a range of other issues, like limited social supports, lower socioeconomic status, and stigma associated with particular traumatic events (Brier & Spinozzola, 2005). Trauma exposure occurs along a continuum of "complexity," from the less complex single, adult-onset incident (e.g., a car accident) where all else is stable in a person's life, to the repeated and intrusive trauma "frequently of an interpersonal nature, often involving a significant amount of stigma or shame" and where an individual may be more vulnerable, due to a variety of factors, to its effects (Briere & Spinazzola, 2005, p. 401). (Clawson, Salomon, and Grace, 2008).

Social Responsibility:

Everyday someone suffers from some sort of psychological and/or physical trauma, however, the road to recovery after the fact is a lifelong process of mental healing, and stabilization. No one should be forced to suffer tragedy alone. Trauma victims will need an extensive support system from family, friends, peers, associates, and/or colleagues. Our team of licensed professionals are here to offer support, guidance, and to show trauma victims how to regain their independence and to get their lives back on the right track. There are people all over the world hurting due to emotional distress, emotional abuse, and/or depression. People who are unable to find the right help, or unwilling to ask for help in troubling times, need to obtain the many benefits that will be provided from our Life Coach professionals.

In most cases an individuals emotional trauma is a direct result of someone else inflicting emotional strain on another individual.

"Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless and vulnerable in a dangerous world. Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and alone can be traumatic, even if it doesn't involve physical harm. It's not the objective facts that determine whether an event is traumatic, but your subjective emotional experience of the event. The more frightened and helpless you feel, the more likely you are to be traumatized." (Helpguide.org, 2010).

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Other Management: Conceptualizing a business
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