
Conceptualization and measurement of research

Case Scenario:

The idea expressed in this chapter that everything can be measured is accurately scary. This chapter opened my views of research up a little more as it aligned the steps to proper conceptualization and measurement of research. This was a great chapter that really brought conceptualization to an elementary level as so we can understand the meanings as they relate to our everyday lives. Using the authors example, I have seen, in my day-to-day communication, that when we conceptualize or come to agreements about what terms mean with others regularly (Babbie, 2013). I have seen meanings of words change based on culture, region, ethnicity and more! Understanding what a person says should not be left up to interpretation. Misinterpretation is the reason we should be sure to define our terms for our dissertations for our readers. What means one thing one way to us could have an entirely different meaning to another. We want to be sure that our writings are unbiased and not judgmental, and this begins with ensuring the interpretation of our wittings is not done. It starts by being clear.

Reference:Babbie, E. R. (2013). The practice of social research. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

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HR Management: Conceptualization and measurement of research
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