Question 1: Fill up the blanks:
a) HTML is the acronym for..........................
b) To define the fundamental font size, ............................ tag is employed.
c) To specify the background image for the document, background attribute is employed with ............................ tag.
d) Two tags break the line flow. These are ................... and .......................
e) In
and , the 8 type of bullet or number is defined through............................
f) For linking to the other web page, its URL is specified with ............................ attribute of tag.
Question 2: Can you assign justified alignment to the paragraph in the HTML?
Question 3: List and describe various attributes of body tag.
Question 4: Illustrate the difference between base font and font tag?
Question 5: How would you indent a single word and place a square bullet in front of it?
Question 6: You plan to publish a CD-ROM disk having HTML pages. How do you make a link from a page in the guide folder to the \guide\mains\kolkata.htm page?