Question 1: Define the term File. Describe the various types of operations which can be performing on files with the help of appropriate illustrations.
Question 2: Describe the architecture of file organization.
Question 3: What are the various types of files? Describe insertion, modification and deletion operation in context with such files types.
Question 4: What do you mean by the terms field, record and table? Describe with the help of appropriate examples.
Question 5: State the term Data Capturing? Describe different data capturing methods.
Question 6: Describe what is meant by the term back-up? Why it is significant to keep the backup copy away from the computer system?
Question 7: If the contents of a file are changed, a transaction log is frequently kept. Describe in brief the reason for the transaction log.
Question 8: Describe how the transaction file and the master file are utilized to produce a new updated master file?
Question 9: Validation and Verification help to decrease the errors when inputting data. Validate the statement.
Question 10: Describe the difference between validation and verification. Give the names of the three validations checks which can be used.