
Concepts and models of cultural diversity


Your final draft should be 8 to 10 pages, 12 point font, double spaced - please also include a bibliography:

The goal of your final paper will be to examine a cultural text of your choice in light of the central concepts we've considered in this course. Ultimately you will want to address the questions: how has globalization affected this text or genre? Is it an example of cultural hybridity, clash, or homogenization? Is it any way authentic? How does it seem to augment or minimize social inequality?

For this paper, you will need to do several things. First, you must choose a cultural text (e.g., a song, particular clothing fashion or hairstyle, distinctive style of architecture, novel, work of art, etc. You could also choose a cultural practice [thus employing a broad, rather than a narrow definition of culture-as-arts only]) that you find especially interesting, and examine it in light of the key course concepts that we have addressed. In the past students have written papers on particular songs, recipes, clothing fashions, dances, architectural styles, novels, and films - there are many options, and I encourage you to choose a topic that really interests you.

Second, you will need to research your chosen topic a bit. You will need to find at least five articles that deal with relevant aspects of your chosen text. Popular sources, such as newspaper or magazine articles, or other websites, are perfectly acceptable. Your goal in finding background information will be to present a detailed analysis of how globalization is relevant to your text. With this in mind, you should explore the development of your text and, if relevant, the genre to which it belongs, as well as its popularity and reception throughout the world.

Third, you will need to use Wendy Griswold's cultural diamond as an analytic framework for developing a more complete picture of your cultural text (i.e., by discussing the cultural text itself - its aesthetic features, content, form, etc; its producers; and its consumers. The full diamond also requires investigating the broader social context in which these are embedded, and for this class let's just assume that increasing globalization is the most relevant context, so no need to discuss other contextual factors at length. Her model may help guide your search for background information about the cultural text of your choice. You may want to organize your paper based on her model, although this certainly isn't the only way to proceed.

Finally, you will need to apply central course concepts to your text. Identify the main genre in which your cultural object is situated, and address the following questions:

1. How does Griswold's cultural diamond apply to this text? Who produces and consumes this text, and what are its salient aesthetic features? Where are these producers and consumers located? Does the meaning of this text seem to vary in different places?

2. Consider key concepts and models of cultural diversity that we've examined in this course as they apply to your cultural text. Do you see any evidence that this text represents a case of cultural homogenization, hybridization, or an example of "clashing civilizations"? Is there any evidence that this text is about to be eclipsed by other forms of culture, or, on the other hand, that it is leading to the demise of others?

3. Is there any way in which this text is part of an "authentic" and original genre? Why or why not? Is there any evidence that your text could be understood as a "dumbed down" version of a more authentic genre?

4. Is there any evidence that this text, or the genre to which it belongs, is heightening social inequality around the world, or, conversely, mitigating inequality?

You will need to cite at least five background sources on your text, as well as at least seven sources from the assigned course readings to deepen your analysis. It is very important that you continually link your chosen text to the course ideas throughout your paper.

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Other Subject: Concepts and models of cultural diversity
Reference No:- TGS02032227

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