
Concepts and analytical approaches

Indra Nooyi's is considering you for a brand management position at PepsiCo. Please prepare a 6-8 page Report to Management that details PepsiCo's situation and future prospects in the global and U.S. alternative beverage industry. Give your recommendations as to what actions top management should take to enhance PepsiCo's position and future performance particularly as concern competing effectively in the market for energy drinks, sports drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced beverages. Do not focus on the cola wars with Coke. Demonstrate familiarity with course concepts and analytical approaches; including but not limited to five forces, driving forces, success factors and strategic group map. The assignment carries 15% weight in course grade.

Reading: Thompson, Case 5: Competition in Energy Drinks and Vitamin Enhanced Beverages, pp. C75-C87 in Glo Bus Premium.


1. Read carefully the assignment description immediately above.

2. Read the Case Study available in the Glo Bus Premium portal!

3.Write a 6-8 pages report on PepsiCo

4. Submit to Turnitin.com prior to posting to LEO.

5. Post final version with similarity index to your individual assignment folder under Case 2.

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Other Subject: Concepts and analytical approaches
Reference No:- TGS0547572

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