
Concept of stigma goffman allows for labeling of personshttp


Answer two questions:

1. In the Introduction Anderson observes, "So-called deviants are not simply people who we can stigmatize, shame, shun, and silence as so many deviance scholars theorized in the past. They are people who seek the same things we all do: civility, equality, recognition, respect, dignity, and solidarity:' Using any of readings in this section to make your argument, give your opinion of this quote.

2. Kitsuse links the concept of deviance-as- stigmatization with the broader concern of social problems construction. Thus, labeling simultaneously occurs in personal AND socio-cultural contexts. Similarly, In his concept of stigma Goffman allows for labeling of persons and categories/conditions. Kitsuse (p. 445) summarizes this often overlooked duality of interactionist labeling: "A person who has lived in shame and embarrassment with a disfiguring facial scar, a woman who has silently suffered demeaning treatment at the hands of overbearing male colleagues, of a black who has been socially and psychologically imprisoned by racial stereotypes may struggle with the issues surrounding the process of coming out no less than those who bear the less visible "blemishes of individual character" (Goffman) such as mental disorder, drug addiction, unemployment, or illegitimate birth:' Choose one of the following social statuses and explain how those occupying it must cope with
negative stigma: race, gender, or age.

3. Ghaziani argues that society may be entering a "postgay" era. Based on the discussion in the article, define the term. Do you agree or disagree with Ghaziani's conclusions?


Understanding Deviance-Connecting Classical And Contemporary Perspectives

By Tammy L. Anderson

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Business Law and Ethics: Concept of stigma goffman allows for labeling of personshttp
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