
Concept of nash equilibrium-cobb-douglas production

Answer all the given questions. Section A to be answered in around 500 words each and Section B to be answered in around 300 words each.

Section A:

Question 1: Describe the concept of Nash equilibrium. How is it related to:

a) Dominant strategy equilibrium and
b) Sub-game perfection.

Question 2: What is indirect utility function? How will you derive an indirect utility function from a direct utility function? Explain Roy’s identity.

Section B:

Question 3: Derive the elasticity of substitution for the Cobb-Douglas production function q = f (K, L) = AKaLb

Question 4: What are the recommendations of Coase to solve the problem of the externalities?

Question 5: Describe Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem.

Question 6: Discuss the concept of asymmetric information. Describe the relation among moral hazard, adverse selection and signaling, giving appropriate illustrations.

Question 7: Do you agree with the proposition that a risk-averse person will optimally buy full insurance if the insurance is actuarially fair? Provide reasons in support of your answer.

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Microeconomics: Concept of nash equilibrium-cobb-douglas production
Reference No:- TGS02068

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