
concept of multithreading these troubles increase

Concept of Multithreading: These troubles increase in the design of large-scale multiprocessors such as MPP as discussed above. Thus, a solution for optimizing this latency should be obtained at. The concept of Multithreading offers the answer to these problems. When the processor activities are multiplexed between many threads of implementation, then problems are not occurring. In one threaded systems, only single thread of implementation per process is present. But if we multiplex the activities of process between several threads, then the multithreading concept eliminates the latency problems.

In the above example, if multithreading is executed, then one thread can be for issuing a remote load request from single variable and another thread can be for remote load for second variable and third thread can be for another operation for the processor and so on.



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Computer Engineering: concept of multithreading these troubles increase
Reference No:- TGS0208352

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