
Concept of market segmentation in real world practice

Consumer Analysis Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to the concept of market segmentation in real world practice. You are required to use an online GIS (Geographic Information System) tool (ESRI Business Analyst Online) to gather information about the most common market segments in various parts of the United States. You will answer several brief questions regarding the segments you identify according to the guidelines below.

1. To get started, you must log in to ESRI Business Analyst Online by following the link below. Do so using the credentials included on the Consumer Analysis Teams sheet.


2. Once you have logged into the site go through the following steps:

a. Select Location, then:

i. Find Location

1. Enter the address provided on the Teams sheet, and press the blue triangular "Next" button

2. Click Drive Times

a. Enter 20 in the first time box, and leave the other two boxes empty (you may have to delete default longer times here), the press the next button

3. Click Get Reports

a. Scroll down the list to "Tapestry Segmentation Area Profile, and click the "Add" button on the left, then

4. Click the blue "Run Reports" button in the lower right corner

a. Your reports will run for a few moments. You can then access the PDF of your reports via the pop-up window, the "Previous Reports" link in the upper right (where your report will be stored if you log back in later), or in your email box where the report will be emailed to you.

3. Open the pdf file and review the report. It will contain a lot of demographic and psychographic information about the area assigned to you. At the top of the report you will see a ranked list of the most common Tapestry Segmentation Profiles for that area.

a. Click each of the top 3 segment profiles to pull up a PDF describing each of those profiles

4. Briefly answer the following questions about the segment profiles listed for your area:

a. What are the top 5 segments listed?

b. Provide a brief analysis of why you think those are the most common segments in this area (i.e. what about this area would result in those segments being most common)?

c. What four major restaurant chains do you think would be most popular with consumers in the top Tapestry segment listed? Why?

d. Which of the top four segments do you think would be most likely to purchase each of the following products, and why? (If none would, explain why not).

i. Tesla
ii. Subscription to The Economist
iii. Kirkland brand jeans
iv. Gift card to The Olive Garden
v. Viking refrigerator

5. You must strictly follow these guidelines:

a. Your responses should be typewritten on a single page.

b. Each of the questions above must be answered separately and clearly labeled using the terms Top Five; Common Segments; Restaurants; Product Preferences.

c. Each of your answers must be complete, yet brief: a maximum of 500 words total.

d. All analyses must include the following information at the top of your written report:

i. Team Name
ii. Individual members full names (as they appear in TITANium)
iii. Date
iv. Class
e. You must submit the following printed documents:
i. Your typewritten analysis
ii. The original Tapestry Segments list PDF report
f. The above documents must be stapled together, in the order listed above
i. I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY ASSIGNMENTS THAT DO NOT CONTAIN THE ABOVE DOCUMENTS STAPLED TOGETHER (i.e. if your documents are not stapled together, I won't accept any part of the assignment and you will lose all available points).

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Other Management: Concept of market segmentation in real world practice
Reference No:- TGS01778657

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