• Briefly explain the concept of incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER).
• Using the data below, calculate the average and incremental ICERs. Assume that the options are mutually exclusive. Hint: Sort options according to cost.
• Comment about the dominance of Beclomethasone over Salmeterol-high dose.
• Indicate your choice when the 3-month budget is USD 200 and USD 300.
• If Ipratropium treatment is the existing one, and if your incremental threshold ratio is USD 500 per FEV1 unit, what are the feasible options?
Cost (USD) over 3-month study period Change in FEV1 (l)
Placebo 60.00 1.1
Salmeterol: low dose 170.00 1.5
Salmeterol: high dose 360.00 1.6
Ipratropium 90.00 1.3
Beclomethasone 280.00 1.7