
Concept of god grace


Jainism, Sikhism and Hinduism, are very similar because these diverse religions are all originated in India and share very common principles. For instance, these religions teach people tolerance and how to develop wisdom, compassion, moral discipline, patience, concentration and generosity, detaching from greed, aversion, pride and ignorance. Although Jains don't believe in God as the Creator, Survivor and Destroyer of the universe, they do believe in the "Divine", the perfect "being". Nataputta Mahavira, also known as "Spiritual Conqueror", was the founder of Jainism and Guru Nanak Dev, founder of Sikhism, they were both Hindus prior to the foundation of Jainism and Sikhism. As for Hinduism, it was originated from the Brahminism. These three religions believe Karma as the "law of action". For the Jains, the transmigration of the souls is formed by the human moral actions, Karma is a "physical substance" that is everywhere in the universe, and reincarnation leads to liberation (MindEdge, 2019).

Like the Jains', Sikhs also believes in Karma, however, they believe that only through the concept of "God's grace", salvation can be achieved. As for Hinduists, Karma is a system where positive and negative actions results in reincarnated lives to form a "cycle of rebirth". While these three religions believe in Karma and Reincarnation, they have a diverse process system that leads to the Enlightenment, whether is Divine Enlightenment or not. To the contrary of Jainism and Hinduism, Sikhism is strictly monotheistic, acknowledging Waheguru, as their one and only God. Sikhism also denounces ritual sacrifice and veneration of idols which are common practices of Jainism and Hinduism.


Hinduism vs Sikhism. (n.d.).

MindEdge. 1.06 (2017).

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