Question 1: Define the concept of forensic psychology. What are the main functions of a forensic psychologist?
Question 2: Write down an essay on the historical developments in Forensic Psychology.
Question 3: How is Forensic psychology associated to - clinical psychology, cognitive psychology and social psychology?
Question 4: What do you mean by the term criminal behavior? Describe theoretical approaches describing the causes of criminal behavior.
Question 5: Define the concept of mental disorder. Point out the relationship among criminal responsibility and mental disorders.
Question 6: Describe Mens Rea and its provisions in full detail.
Question 7: Define the concept of competency to stand trial. What are the assessment and evaluations taken to assess a person’s competency to stand trial?
Question 8: What are the aggravating and mitigating circumstances of death penalty?
Question 9: Describe forensic psychological assessment.
Question 10: Explain: (Any two)
a) Family courts in India
b) Maintenance law
c) Civil commitment