Discuss the below in 100 words each and use APA format:
1. The eight influence tactics described in in terms of how they are used by students to influence their university instructors are listed below. Which influence tactic is applied most often? Which is applied least often, in your opinion? To what extent is each influence tactic considered legitimate behavior or organizational politics?
• Silent Authority
• Assertiveness
• Information Control:
• Coalition Formation:
• Upward Appeal:
• Ingratiation:
• Persuasion:
• Exchange:
2. What does the concept of corporate social responsibility mean for businesses? What sort of conflicts does corporate social responsibility create for corporations? Is there a conflict between the shareholders of a corporation and the stakeholders of a corporation? Can corporations/businesses really be socially responsible or are corporations/businesses really still thinking about their own best interests when they seem be acting in a socially responsible manner