
Concept of cooperating processes

Question 1:

Each process is represented in operating system by the process control block (PCB). The PCB contains many pieces of information associated with particular process. Illustrate out five (5) pieces of information that can be found in a PCB.

Question 2:

Consider Figure 1.0 below, which shows two processes (P0 and P1) being implemented on a single CPU system, and answer the questions which follow:

2390_interrupt or system call.jpg

i) What is the differentiation between the interrupt and the system call and how do they influence the processing of processes P1 and P0?

ii) What is the state of process P1 when it is marked as idle in diagram?

iii) Considering that process P1 is implemented for 10 milliseconds, marked as ‘executing’ in diagram, and completes its implementation before it is interrupted. In your estimation what changes will occur in system, and typically in diagram.

iv) Illustrate out context switching and recognize where it is taking place in diagram.

Question 3:

What is the differentiation between the independent process and cooperating process?

Question 4:

In brief illustrate out the producer-consumer problem in the concept of cooperating processes.

Question 5:

To allow consumer and producer processes to run concurrently, there should be a buffer for holding items. The buffer can be filled by producer and emptied by consumer, and there are two (2) types of buffer accessible for this purpose. Illustrate out these two types of buffer.


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Operating System: Concept of cooperating processes
Reference No:- TGS08844

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