
Concept in the investment decisions

Question 1: What do you mean by the term Company Analysis? What is its main objective? Bring out the relevance of these analyses in the investment decisions.

Question 2: What are the important factors to be considered for the Company Analysis?

Question 3: Illustrate the methods adopted to examine the financial statements of a company?

Question 4: Illustrate the meaning of P/E ratio? Describe the logic of using this concept in the investment decisions?

Question 5: Technical analysts believe that one can use the past price changes to predict future price changes. How do they validate this belief?

Question 6: Describe the Dow Theory and its three components. Name the component which is most important?

Question 7: Write brief notes on:

a) Short Selling
b) Relative Strength Analysis
c) Odd Lot Theory

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Business Economics: Concept in the investment decisions
Reference No:- TGS08602

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