
Concept for admissibility of plain sight evidence

Response the following with example and apa format:

Detail the concept for admissibility of plain sight evidence and the legal requirements for the investigator to invoke a plain sight seizure.

Explain how evidence that would have been found without the questionable search that violates the exclusionary rule could ultimately be admissible as evidence.

Relate how the court views investigators and realizes that human error will sometimes result in faulty paperwork. Explain how the court allows for such errors in the "Good Faith" principle

Select two of the three concepts known as dying declaration, the silver platter rule, and exigent circumstance expound on the meaning of each and why the court believes in such exceptions to constitutional requirements

Articulate the types of situations where it is permissible to lie to a suspect to elicit a confession. What aspects would be allowed by the court and what would be prohibited.

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Other Subject: Concept for admissibility of plain sight evidence
Reference No:- TGS01886238

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