
Concentrate on explaining the piece in such a way that your

Studies in Fiction Michael Dressman, UHD


Select a sketch or tale by Washington Irving or Nathaniel Hawthorne from the list below* and offer a presentation of that piece that includes the opinion or observations of two critics.

Your presentation should include an overview of such features as

• the narrative technique
• the plot (if any) or contents
• characterization
• the thematic material
• any fictional or rhetorical devices used by the author, such as allusions or symbols
• the comments of the critics on this tale or sketch in the context of the author's other works

Include little or no biographical information, unless it is directly relevant to the piece. There is no need to praise the piece or the author. Although some summary may be necessary, the point of the paper is not to summarize the piece. Try not to repeat content for its own sake; say something about it. Concentrate on explaining the piece in such a way that your reader can see how this sketch or tale fits into the author's general practice. So references to other things you have read by the author may serve as good places to seek comparisons or contrasts.

You should quote from the piece to make your points. Also, cite at least two critical sources that connect to your discussion of the piece or the author's works in general. These should be better quality critical sources - not just anything on the Internet. Use the UHD Library databases or online sources that have actual authors. Remember to use only your own insights or cited insights of others. When you use any outside critical material, cite it. Use appropriate bibliographic citations for all quotations. English majors should use MLA method; those who are not English majors may use APA or another standard format; make sure it is a standard format that you can cite and produce if I suspect you are just making a format up.

The paper must be about 6 pages long (1500 words, not much more or less). You should use your best college writing practices. If you write more than this, I will stop reading after I have reached the limit I have described.

I will offer observations and suggestions in regard to your writing to assist you and to help you improve as a writer and a critical thinker.

*List of Stories and Sketches for Paper


"Stratford on Avon"
"The Mutability of Literature"
"Westminster Abbey" "Christmas"
"The Specter Bridegroom"
"The Stagecoach"


"The Artist of the Beautiful"
"The Gray Champion"
"Alice Doane's Appeal"
"Mrs. Hutchinson"
"Rappaccini's Daughter"

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Dissertation: Concentrate on explaining the piece in such a way that your
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