
Comt6001 telecommunications in 1999 the accc made ull a

Telecommunications & Network Management Assignment

Q1. a) In the Telecommunications Act, describe what is meant by the term an Unbundled Local Loop (ULL)?

In 1999 the ACCC made ULL a declared service - what is the meaning of a "declared service" under the Telecommunications Act and why is it important in promoting competition amongst Telecommunications Carriers?

b) Name the two major Service Obligations and one Service Guarantee required of registered Telecommunications Carriers under the Telecommunications Act that implements the Social Policy of the Telecommunications Act and briefly state the purpose of each?

c) Nominate which Australian Government Institution / Agency manage the following parts of the current Telecom 1997 Act and briefly describe their function with regard to the Australian Telecommunications market.

1) The Telecommunications Act

2) Telecom Market Entry

3) Price and Competition

4) Customer Complaints about telecommunications services

Q2. A microwave radio site has two 6.7 GHz, 298 Mbps microwave radio systems radiating from the site. The antenna type, bearing and the path length of each of the radio bearers are listed in this table. The Wanted to Interfering Unwanted ratio (W/U) required for co-channel operation is given in the attached 6.7 GHz Band Plan RALI and the antenna Radiation Pattern Envelopes are also attached.

Radio System

Antenna Type


Path length




50 km




25 km

a) Calculate the Received Signal Level for each of the two radio systems assuming that the Transmitter Power is 0.5 W, the RF cable losses are 3 dB for each RF feeder and the RF circulator/fixed losses for each antenna system is 3 dB.

b) Calculate if there is sufficient W/U to allow each of the bearers to transmit on channel 4 (6720 MHz) without interfering with the receivers of the other radio bearers (you can allocate either polarisation for each bearer to achieve the required antenna discrimination). Draw a diagram of the possible interfering paths and show how you calculated the Wanted signal to Unwanted interfering signal ratio for each of the possible interfering paths.

What frequency and polarisations would be required in this configuration?

c) If the bearing of the radio system B is increased to 80° N calculate if both radio systems can now operate on channel 1?

Q3. Three Local Exchanges connect to the Primary Exchange via direct first choice routes with second choice routes provided via a Transit Exchange (see diagram below). The first choice Grade of Service (GoS) is set at 10% and the second choice GoS is set at 0.5%. For the amount of TCBH traffic shown in the diagram for each exchange:

a) Calculate the number of circuits required on each of the first choice routes to meet the 10% GoS.

b) Calculate the amount of traffic offered to each of the second choice routes and dimension the number of circuits on these routes (including the Transit to Primary exchange link) for the 0.5% GoS.

c) If the Primary to Transit Exchange link fails for the busy hour, how many calls would be lost if the average call duration is 2.5 minutes?

d) If the first choice route for Exchange 1 fails, how much traffic (in Erlangs) would be able to reach the Transit Exchange if the GoS for the duration of the outage is set at 10%?

e) After six months of operation a TCBH traffic measurement is undertaken on the Transit Exchange to Primary Exchange route with the result of 14 Erlangs of TCBH traffic. What is the approximate GoS indicated by this traffic measurement, explain what that GoS indicates has occurred and what action, if any, should be taken by the network planner?


Q4. A Company has offices in Perth and Sydney generating the following levels of Time Consistent Busy Hour (TCBH) Telephone Traffic:




Incoming PSTN Customers Calls

300 calls @ 3min average

600 minutes of  calls

Incoming PSTN Office Calls

100 calls @ 3.5min average

240 minutes of calls

Outgoing PSTN Calls

200 calls @ 2.5min average

480 minutes of calls

Inter-Office Calls





a) Dimension the minimum number of exchange lines from the Carrier Exchanges that need to be connected to the Perth and Sydney PABXs to carry the measured Incoming & Outgoing traffic for a Grade of Service of 0.5%.

b) Dimension the minimum number of voice tie lines between Perth and Sydney required to carry the measured inter-PABX traffic for a Grade of Service of 0.5%, 1% and 10%.

c) Draw a diagram of the above company network showing the number of exchange lines and inter-office tie lines connecting to the Perth and Sydney offices as dimensioned in parts (a) & (b) above?

d) Assuming that all customer calls to the Perth & Sydney offices are routed by the Telephone Carrier's network to the Perth office, re-dimension the PSTN exchange lines and voice tie lines so that the Sydney incoming customer call traffic can be answered in Sydney via the inter-office voice tie lines. (Note: Sydney Incoming PSTN Office Calls & Outgoing PSTN calls continue to be connected via Sydney PSTN lines)? In this configuration what Grade of Service have you selected for the PSTN and voice tie line routes and explain why you have selected this GoS.

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Other Engineering: Comt6001 telecommunications in 1999 the accc made ull a
Reference No:- TGS02452626

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