
Computing throughput of un-pipelined computation system


Evaluate 0xF00 + 0x100

Express answer in hex notation.


Assume integer 0x41FF is stored at word address 12 in a 32-bit little endian machine. What is a value in each byte location?

address    12    13    14    15


Assume integer 0x41FF is stored at word address 12 in a 32-bit big endian machine. What is the value in each byte location?

address    12    13    14    15


Assume integer -123 is stored at word address 12 in a 32-bit little endian machine in two’s complement format. What is the value in each byte location?

address    12    13    14    15


Assume that x and –x are 8-bit integers represented in two’s complement format. Does x≥0 always implies -x≤0. If not, give a counter-example.


Assume that x and –x are 8-bit integers represented in two’s complement format. Does x≤0 always implies -x≥0. If not, give a counter-example.


A 2n-to-1 multiplexer, with n control bits and 2n input lines could be used to implement any binary function with (n+1) input variable. Assume you have following 4-to-1 (4 way) multiplexer.


How could you connect the input lines D0, D1, D2, D3 above so that mux4 above implement the majority function M(s0, s1, s2)?

Hint: Each input line could be connected to either 0, 1, s2 or (s2) ¯. M(s0, s1, s2) = 1 if two or more input lines are of bit value ‘1’. Otherwise,  M(s0, s1, s2) = 0.


Consider following un-pipelined computation system. The computation in a combinational logic takes 400 ps to complete and storing the result to register takes 20ps. What is the throughput of the system? What is the delay of the system?

2352_Un pipelined computation.jpg


Assume the computational logic in above block could be partitioned into k pipeline stages, each having a delay of 400/k ps. If k = 4, what is a throughput of the system and what is the delay of the system? If k approaches infinity, what is the throughput of the system and what is the delay of the system?

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Basic Computer Science: Computing throughput of un-pipelined computation system
Reference No:- TGS02067

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