
Computing the quantum efficiency-electron hole-pairs

1. What is meant by critical angle of incidence?

2. What do you understand by graded index fiber?

3. Describe inter model distortion in detail.

4. Explain group delay in detail.

5. What are the two basic LED configurations used for fiber optics?

6. What do you mean by coupling efficiency.

7. In a 100ns pulse 6 x 106 photons at a wave length if 1300 nm fall on an InGaAs photo detector, on the average of 5.4 x 106 Electron hole-pairs are generated compute the quantum efficiency?

8. Write down  the expression for error function.

9. Sketch the suitable block diagram for simple point-to-point link.

10. What are the two techniques to reduce optical feedback? Explain in detail.

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Science: Computing the quantum efficiency-electron hole-pairs
Reference No:- TGS012172

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