Expanded Accounting Equation
Response to the following problem:
At the end of 2009, Spencer Systems, Inc., had a fire that destroyed the majority of its accounting records. Spencer Systems, Inc., was able to gather the following financial information for 2009.
a. Retained earnings was changed only as a result of net income and a $25,000 dividend payment to Spencer's investors.
b. All other account changes for the year are listed below. The amount of change for each account is shown as a net increase or decrease.
Increase or(Decrease)
Cash $ 12,500
Interest receivable (7,500)
Inventory 50,000
Accounts receivable (11,750)
Building 157,500
Acccounts Payable 22,500
Mortgage Payable 137,500
Wages payable (35,250)
Capital stock 26,250
Using the accounting equation, compute Spencer's net income for 2009.