
Computing ralph-s membrane potential

Martian Rover has just discovered the life form (code-named Ralph) on Mars. You have been asked to help with analysis of Ralph’s nerve-like cells Performed at 10º C at which Nernst constant equals 55 mV. You are given the following data for Ralph’s nerve-like cells which contain no other charged particles in important concentrations. Illustrate all computations.

Out In P

Na+ 10 100 1
Li+ 100 1 .01
Rb+ 15 15 1
Cl- 50 1 0.1
Fl- 1 100 1
Pr- 50 5 1
Br- ? ? 0

a) What should be Br- concentrations in and out? Explain why in detail.

b) Compute Ralph’s membrane potential? Describe why did you selected that method?

c) Given your computations in b above, could any charged particle be in equilibrium across membrane? Describe why in detail?

d) Assume PCl goes to 1000. What occurs to membrane potential? Explain why did you make that supposition to compute? Could you make another supposition? What do you now compute? Did you get the same answer? Explain why or why not?

e) What must [Cl] inside approximately equal at 3 msec after this change in PCl? Describe why?

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Chemistry: Computing ralph-s membrane potential
Reference No:- TGS013900

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