
Computing feeding efficiency-surface area to volume ratio

Consider two imaginary cells. Both are cube shaped (the same dimension in all directions). The first cell consists of a side length of 10 micrometers. The second has a side length of 100 micrometers. Compute the surface areas and volumes of both of these cells then compute the sa/v for each of them. The SA, V and Sa/V dived out of each of these cells. Which one of these would be most efficient at feeding itself? Explain why? If we added a third cell with a side length of 50 micrometers how would its feeding efficiency compare to our first two cells (no calculations required) explain why?

Finally if our least efficient cell required increasing its feeding efficiency to match the most efficient cell what is one way it might do it? Oh - that's without really changing its volume. Be specific about how the cell should change.

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Biology: Computing feeding efficiency-surface area to volume ratio
Reference No:- TGS037887

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