
Computing correlation of residuals with income


The dataset teengambs concerns a study of teenage gambling in Britain. Fit a regression model with the expenditure on gambling as the response and the sex, status, income and verbal score as predictors. Present the output.

(a) What percentage of variation in the response is explained by these predictors?

(b) Which observation has the largest (positive) residual? Give the case number.

(c) Compute the mean and median of the residuals.

(d) Compute the correlation of the residuals with the fitted values.

(e) Compute the correlation of the residuals with the income.

(f) For all other predictors held constant, what would be the difference in predicted expenditure on gambling for a male compared to a female?

Your answer must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.

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Basic Statistics: Computing correlation of residuals with income
Reference No:- TGS01991122

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