
Computing conversion rates

Today, you can get either 121 Canadian dollars or 1,288 Mexican pesos for 100 U.S. dollars. Last year, 100 U.S. dollars was worth 115 Canadian dollars or 1,291 Mexican pesos. Which one of the following statements is correct given this information?
1. $100 converted into Mexican pesos last year would now be worth $100.36.
2. $100 converted into Canadian dollars last year would now be worth $95.05.
3. $100 invested in Canadian dollars last year would now be worth $100.
4. $100 converted into Canadian dollars last year would now be worth $105.22.
5. $100 converted into Mexican pesos last year would now be worth $99.77.

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Finance Basics: Computing conversion rates
Reference No:- TGS025150

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