
Computer science operating systems - year 1descriptionjava

Subject:Computer Science, Operating Systems - Year 1Description:java validationProblem:

Using NetBeans 7.2

Please run the code to check for errors.

ValidatedInvoiceApp.java compiles

Application accepts only r and c customer type codes

Display error message on invalid code and request re-entry

static getValidCustomerType method performs validation

getValidCustomerType has Scanner parameter

getValidCustomerType returns valid customer code

try-catch block for subtotal entry with error message and continue statement in main

static getValidSubtotal method performs validation

getValidSubtotal has Scanner parameter

getValidSubtotal returns valid subtotal

getValidSubtotal limits valid subtotal to range > 0 and

getValidSubtotal prevents exception in main

Discard multiple entries when asked to continue

import java.text.NumberFormat;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class InvoiceApp


public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

String choice = "y";

while (!choice.equalsIgnoreCase("n"))


// get the input from the user

System.out.print("Enter customer type (r/c): ");

String customerType = sc.next();

System.out.print("Enter subtotal: ");

double subtotal = sc.nextDouble();

// get the discount percent

double discountPercent = 0;

if (customerType.equalsIgnoreCase("R"))


if (subtotal

discountPercent = 0;

else if (subtotal >= 100 && subtotal

discountPercent = .1;

else if (subtotal >= 250)

discountPercent = .2;


else if (customerType.equalsIgnoreCase("C"))


if (subtotal

discountPercent = .2;


discountPercent = .3;




discountPercent = .1;


// calculate the discount amount and total

double discountAmount = subtotal * discountPercent;

double total = subtotal - discountAmount;

// format and display the results

NumberFormat currency = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

NumberFormat percent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();

System.out.println("Discount percent: " + percent.format(discountPercent) + "n" + "Discount amount: " + currency.format(discountAmount) + "n" + "Total: " + currency.format(total) + "n");

// see if the user wants to continue

System.out.print("Continue? (y/n): ");

choice = sc.next();





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