
computer concepts amp c programming1write a

Computer Concepts & C Programming

1. Write a program to read four floating point numbers and find their sum and average.

2. What is the difference between string constants and character constants and give one example each.

3. Explain the precedence of operators? How expressions are evaluated using precedences?

4. What is formatted input and formatted output? Explain.

5. Describe about the gets () and puts () functions with one example.

6. With an illustration, explain the concept of extern variable.

7. Differentiate between pointer variable and simple variable? What are the advantages of pointer variable?

8. Write the differences between Structures and Unions with one example.

9. Write a program in C to find the root of a quadratic equation.

10.Write a program to use structure within union and display the contents of structure elements.

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Computer Engineering: computer concepts amp c programming1write a
Reference No:- TGS0357763

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