Question 1: Design and implement the Mod5 counter by using D-flip flop.
Question 2: Write brief note on the delta delay.
Question 3: What is the different computer aided tools for the digital systems.
Question 4: What are applications of multiplexers?
Question 5: Write brief note on inertial delay.
Question 6: What do you understand by latch and gated latch?
Question 7: How does PLA distinct from ROM.
Question 8: How do you convert one kind of flip flop to the other?
Question 9: Write brief note on transport delay.
Question 10: Write regarding the behavioral models.
Question 11: How do you convert S-R flip flop to the J-K flip flop.
Question 12: Design and implement the synchronous 3-bit up/down counter by using the J-K flip flops.