
Compute the speedup for options and decide the option

Processor X has a clock speed of 2Ghz and takes 1 cycle for integer operations, 2 cycles for memory operations, and 4 cycles for floating point operations. Empirical data shows that programs run on Processor X are typically composed of 35% floating point operations, 30% memory operations, and 35% integer operations.

You are designing Processor Y, and improvement on Processor X which will run the same programs and you have 2 options to improve the performance:

-Increase the clock speed to 2.4Ghz, but memory operations take 3 cycles.

-Decrease the clock speed to 1.8 ghz, but floating point operations only take 3 cycles.

Compute the speedup for options and decide the option Processor Y should take.

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Operating System: Compute the speedup for options and decide the option
Reference No:- TGS01252474

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