
Compute the rank of s manually and use the matlab function

Matrix A and vector b are defined by

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(a) Solve the linear system of equations Ax = b using MATLAB.

(b) Find A-1 and verify that A-1 A = I, where I is the 6X6 identity matrix. Compute x = A-1b using MATLAB and check the result with that of (a).
(c) Compute the determinant of A.

(d) Take matrix A' as A' = A + AT, where AT is the transpose of A . Using MATLAB, solve the linear system of equations A'x = b.

(e) Take matrix S as

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Compute the rank of S manually and use the MATLAB function to verify the result.

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Simulation in MATLAB: Compute the rank of s manually and use the matlab function
Reference No:- TGS0666927

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