Compute the ph after the addition of titrant

A 100 mL volume of a 0.100 M weak base (pKb = 5.00) was titrated with 1.00 M HClO4. Find the pH at the following volumes of added acid:  0.00, 1.00, 5.00, 10.00, and 10.10 mL.

A 100.00 mL volume of 0.0400 M propionic acid (CH3CH2COOH; Ka = 1.34 ´ 10-5) was titrated with 0.0837 M NaOH. Calculate the pH after the addition of: 0 Ve, 0.25 Ve, Ve, and 1.1 Ve mL of titrant where Ve is the volume of NaOH required to reach the equivalence point.

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Chemistry: Compute the ph after the addition of titrant
Reference No:- TGS0540698

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