
Compute the numerical values

A reliability system will be employed once per week. The system has two independent components connected in series. Each component has reliability of 0.99. This means that if a component isn't broken, it will work with probability 0.99 whenever a system is employed. Or, in other words, each time the system is employed, each nonbroken component will independently become broken with probability 0.01. When a component becomes broken, it is thrown away as well as replaced with a spare. Each spare has reliability of 0.99. The system will be employed till until it fails with no spares available for replacement. Then the system will be left in failed condition.

A) The system description is incomplete. Add enough information to enable you to describe a Markov chain which can model a system.

B) Define performance measures for the system. Determine tradeoffs and explain them.

C) Compute the numerical values of your performance measures.

D) Discover the dependence of your performance measures on the reliabilities of components.

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Basic Statistics: Compute the numerical values
Reference No:- TGS0855041

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