Compute the growth duration of company stock

Problem 1: What is the implied growth duration of Kayleigh Industries given following:

                               S&P Industrials    Kayleigh Industries
P/E Ratios                        16                        24
Expected Growth             0.06                     0.14
Dividend yield                 0.04                     0.02

Problem 2: You are given the following information about two computer software firms and the S&P Industrials:

                                              Company A    Company B    Company C
P/E Ratios                                     30.0               27.0             18.0
Expected annual growth rate          0.18               0.15             0.07
Dividend yield                               0.00               0.01             0.02
a) Compute the growth duration of each company stock relative to the S&P Industrials.

b) Compute the growth duration of Company A relative to Company B.

c) Given these growth duration, what determines your investment decision?

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Finance Basics: Compute the growth duration of company stock
Reference No:- TGS01450751

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