Compute the forecast for the next period

Discuss the below in detail:

Q: The monthly sales for Yazici Batteries, Inc., were as follows: Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Sales 20 21 15 12 13 16 17 18 22 20 21 24 This exercise contains only parts b and c. b) The forecast for the next month (Jan) using the naive method = sales (round your response to a whole number). The forecast for the next period (Jan) using a 3-month moving average approach = sales (round your response to two decimal places). 3-month moving average: (20 + 21 + 24)/3 = 21.6666 The forecast for the next period (Jan) using a 6-month weighted average with weights of 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.20, 0.20 and 0.30 where the heaviest weights are applied to the most recent month = sales (round your response to one decimal place). Under 6 month weighted average method, weights are assigned to actual data to arrive at weighted average of the results as forecast for next period. As per given criteria in the question, the highest weight is assigned to the most recent month. So, weights will be assigned as follows: Dec - 0.30 Nov - 0.20 Oct - 0.20 Sep - 0.10 Aug - 0.10 Jul - 0.10 So, weighted avearge forecast = 24 x 0.30 + 21 x 0.20 + 20 x 0.20 + 22 x 0.10 + 18 x 0.10 + 17 x 0.10 = 21.1

Please show me and explain this part Using exponential smoothing with a = 0.35 and a September forecast of 21.00, the forecast for the next period (Jan) = sales

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Operation Management: Compute the forecast for the next period
Reference No:- TGS02043460

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