Compute the degree of operating leverage

Problem: The Harmon Company manufactures skates. The company's income statement for 2004 is as follows:

Harmon Company
Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2004

Sales (30,000 skates @ $25 each)               $750,000
Less: Variable costs (30,000 skates at $7)     210,000
Fixed costs                                                  270,000
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)      270,000
Interest expense                                         170,000
Earnings before taxes (EBT)                         100,000
Income tax expense (35%)                            35,000
Earnings after taxes (EAT)

Given this income statement, compute the following:

a. Degree of operating leverage.

b. Degree of financial leverage.

c. Degree of combined leverage.

d. Break-even point in units.

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Finance Basics: Compute the degree of operating leverage
Reference No:- TGS02082725

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