
Compute the coefficients in the plate stiffness equations

Compute the stresses in laminate coordinates at top and bottom of each lamina in Example 1 when the laminate is subjected to ε0x =  765(10-6 ) mm/mm, ε0y=  -280(10-6 ) mm/mm, κxy = 34.2(10-6)1/mm and all remaining strains and curvatures equal to zero.

Example 1

Compute the coefficients in the plate stiffness equations (6.9) for a twolamina laminate with θ1 = 55°, θ2 = -55°, t1 = t2= 0.635 mm, with material properties given in Example 2.

Φx = δw0/δx

Φy = δw0/δy

Example 2

Compute the reduced stiffness matrix [Q] and the intralaminar shear coefficients using the following properties: E1 = 19.981 GP a, ν12 = 0.274, E2 = 11.389 GP a, G12 = G13 = 3.789 GP a [172]. Lacking experimental data, assume the out-of-plane shear modulus G23 ∼= Gm = 0.385 GP a.

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Other Engineering: Compute the coefficients in the plate stiffness equations
Reference No:- TGS02158022

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