
Compute the average of a subject math reading or writing


Write a menu driven Cth program to perform multiple operations. The operations include:

1) Compute the average of a subject (MATH, READING, or WRITING).

Allow the user to choose which subject to calculate its average. Then print this value.

2) Find the highest grade of a subject.

Allow the user to choose which subject to find its highest grade. Then print this value.

3) Find the lowest grade of a subject.

Allow the user to choose which subject to find its lowest grade. Then print this value.

4) Find the median grade of a subject.

Allow the user to choose which subject to find its median grade. Then print this value.

5) Compute the average of a student.

Allow the user to choose which student to calculate his/her average in all subjects. Then print this value.

6) Find the highest grade of a student.

Allow the user to choose which student to find his/her highest grade in all subjects. Then print this value.

7) Find the lowest grade of a student.

Allow the user to choose which student to find his/her lowest grade in all subjects. Then print this value.

8) Find the median grade of a student.

Allow the user to choose which student to find his/her median grade in all subjects. Then print this value.

9) Exit.


1) Your program should include a description of the program and tell the user how to execute the program. The description should be displayed only once at the start of the program.

2) Your program should ask the user to enter the number of the students. (ALL SUBJECT HAVE THE SAME NUMBER OF STUDENTS)

3) Your program should randomly generate the grades of each subject.

4) The program then displays the menu (see below).

5) Each time after an operation is executed, display the menu again unless the user selects "Exit" (Operation 9).

6) Each operation is accommodated within a function. (Extra Cridet).

7) Your main function should call the above functions according to the user's selection.

The main function should prompt the user for necessary input and read in the input(s).

8) You should validate any input to make your program robust.

Your program menu may look like this:


1. Subject Average
2. Subject Highest Grade
3. Subject Lowest Grade
4. Subject Median Grade
5. Student Average
6. Student Highest Grade
7. Student Lowest Grade
8. Student Median Grade
9. Exit

Other Requirements:

1) Be ready in the submission day to run and explain your code.

2) Submit a softcopy of your codes in a USB drive.

3) Submit a project report by following the Project Report Format:

a. Cover Page. (Will be provided to you)
b. Flowchart of your project.
c. Print out your C++ program directly from MVS.
d. Print out your output screenshot for the test data. (test data Will be provided to you)
e. There should not be any handwriting in your report, except your signature in the first page.

4) The softcopy of your code should be exactly the same as the code listed in your report.

5) The program should include comments at the beginning with your name, the date you write the code, and the brief description of the project.

6) All major steps should be explained through use of the comment statements.

7) Softcopy and project report must be submitted on time and in class only. Work submitted in mailbox or slipped under the door will not be accepted. Late work will not be accepted, except in real emergencies beyond the control of the student. "Late" is defined as later than the date and time provided by the instructor for any particular assignment.

8) No incomplete grade will be given to the project.

9) Make sure your submission is a product of your own effort. Cheating will not be tolerated.

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C/C++ Programming: Compute the average of a subject math reading or writing
Reference No:- TGS02260744

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