3 bidders for the satellite system have given offers:
Bidder A
First payment: $100m at the start
Second Payment: $250m at the beginning of second year
Third payment: $250m at the end of third year
Final payment: $400m on completion at the end of 4th year.
Bidder B
First payment: $ 200m at the start
Second Payment: $ 250m at the end of second year
Third payment: $ 250m at the end of third year
Final payment: $ 300m on completion at the end of 4th year.
Bidder C
First payment: No payment at start
Second Payment: $300m at the beginning of second year
Third payment: $200m at the beginning of third year
Final payment: $500m on completion at the end of 4th year.
All 3 bidders have been analyzed to be technically compliant.
i) Suppose 8% discount +inflation rate, which bidder will you suggest to the management?
b) Annual operations and maintenance after completion is evaluated to be $40 million, payable at the end of year and with 5% annual increase thereafter.
Customer has committed to pay $250 million annually at the end of every year after completion, with first payment at the end of fifth year from start and with 5% annual increase thereafter. Discount + inflation rate is still 8%. For best bidder, compute NPV until it becomes positive.